Tuesday 28 July 2015


How long does it take to cross the road?
How long does it take to walk through that door?
How long does it take to say, "Yes, I do."?
How long does it take to accept the change in front of you?

How do you know it's time to start,
The change is almost there, it waited too long.
Now that it's time you say 'I'm ready'
How long does it take for you to actually be ready?

You never are, you know.
This is what you chose, and this is where you wanted to go.
Then what is it that scares you inside?
Get in and let go, the change would be a bliss.
Leave all the rest aside...and accept it as it is.

- Jayshree Sridhar.

Jayshree Sridhar is a graphic design student and a fashion illustrator, she tweets about her thoughts here: https://twitter.com/JayshreeSridhar

You can visit her fashion illustration blog here: https://artwardrobe.wordpress.com/